Currently showing records 221 - 240 of 546 total

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Stropheodonta michiganensis
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse side of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Stropheodonta michiganensis

UMMP specimen number: paratype 17021

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Atrypa casei
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is teh holotype for the species. It is 3 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #1

Taxa present: Atrypa casei

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17011

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Atrypa casei
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Atrypa casei

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17011

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Pholidostrophia fragilis
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is the holotype for the species. It is 1.6 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #1

Taxa present: Pholidostrophia fragilis

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17050

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Pholidostrophia fragilis
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Pholidostrophia fragilis

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17050

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Chonetes fenkelli
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is a paratype. It is 1.5 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #1

Taxa present: Chonetes fenkelli

UMMP specimen number: paratype 17007

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Chonetes fenkelli
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Chonetes fenkelli

UMMP specimen number: paratype 17007

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Chonetes cooleyi
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is the holotype for the species. It is 1.2 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #1

Taxa present: Chonetes cooleyi

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17010

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Chonetes cooleyi
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Chonetes cooleyi

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17010

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Crania multistriata
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is the holotype for the species. It is 1.2 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Inarticulate Brachiopod

Taxa present: Crania multistriata

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17024

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Chonetes sherzeri
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is the holotype for the sepcies. It is 2.3 cm across. This specimen is from a collection that was made during the construction of the Water Intake Tunnel in Detroit. See the Silica book for more details about the constuction and the collection.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #1

Taxa present: Chonetes sherzeri

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17039

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Chonetes sherzeri
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-16 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Detroit, Wayne, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This view is the reverse side of the same specimen.

Photo title: Brachiopod - View #2

Taxa present: Chonetes sherzeri

UMMP specimen number: holotype 17039

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Devonochonetes fragilis
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-17 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: These specimens are hypotypes. The largest is 3.3 cm across.

Photo title: Brachiopods

Taxa present: Devonochonetes fragilis

UMMP specimen number: hypotype 61026

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Lingula ligea
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-17 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is a hypotype. The brachiopods are 1 cm across.

Photo title: Inarticulate Brachiopods

Taxa present: Lingula ligea

UMMP specimen number: hypotype 57136

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Lingula compta
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-17 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is a hypotype. It is 2.5 cm across both brachiopods.

Photo title: Inarticulate Brachiopods

Taxa present: Lingula compta

UMMP specimen number: hypotype 57144

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Lingula compta
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-17 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This specimen is a hypotype. It is 1.5 cm tall.

Photo title: Inarticulate Brachiopod

Taxa present: Lingula compta

UMMP specimen number: hypotype 56601

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Mediospirifer audaculus
Type Specimen
Silica formation ummp invertebrate paleontology

Submitted on 2009-01-17 by ummp invertebrate paleontology

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: These specimens are hypotype. The largest is 4.5 cm across.

Photo title: Brachiopods

Taxa present: Mediospirifer audaculus

UMMP specimen number: hypotype 61042

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Intrapora irregularis, Hernodia humifusa Silica formation John Topor

Submitted on 2009-02-04 by John Topor

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: The bryozoan Hernodia is encrusting the bryozoan Intrapora. From unit 12 of the Medusa North Quarry. The largest of the 4 specimens in the photo measures 22mm long by 11mm wide.

Photo title: Bryozoan

Taxa present: Intrapora irregularis, Hernodia humifusa

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Hyperoblastus reimanni Silica formation John Topor

Submitted on 2009-02-04 by John Topor

Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: A nice, large for the species, specimen measuring 13mm tall by 8.6mm wide. Most blastoids from this formation are small.

Photo title: Blastoid

Taxa present: Hyperoblastus reimanni

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Hyperoblastus reimanni Silica formation John Topor

Submitted on 2009-02-04 by John Topor

Location (approximate): Milan, Washtenaw, MI

Strat unit: Silica formation

Submitter notes: This rare blastoid is found in units 7, 13 & 14 of the Silica quarries. In old material collected in unit 13 it was more common and could sometimes be found with brachioles. This specimen measures 11.9mm X 9.1mm and is considered large.

Photo title: Blastoid

Taxa present: Hyperoblastus reimanni

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