Stigmaria. Overview of root and matrix

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Stigmaria
Submit date: 2011-08-14
Location (approximate): Grand Ledge, Eaton, MI
Stratigraphy: Saginaw Formation
Age: Pottsville (Early Pennsylvanian)
Submitter notes: This is a root section of a Lycopod tree from the Pennsylvanian of central Michigan. The overall length of the root is 16.3 inches while the matrix is 10 inches long and about 3 inches deep. Rootlets can be seen going into the matrix. This is from the Lincoln Brick park near Grand Ledge and was collected in 1994. Lycopods were large trees that formed the deep swamps of the Pennsylvanian & this is probably from a Lepidodendron sp. All such root sections separated from the actual trees are labelled 'Stigmaria'

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