Eleutherocrinus cassedayi view 2

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Eleutherocrinus cassedayi
Submit date: 2010-11-26
Location (approximate): Thedford, Lambton, ON
Stratigraphy: Hungry Hollow Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: This is a not too good example of this rare and unusual blastoid. Eleutherocrinus cassedayi from the Hungry Hollow formation at the 'tileyard' at Thedford, Ontario, Canada. The blastoid is 17 mm long and 9 mm wide.Better examples are shown on this website but these are so rare that all examples should be looked at and any partial collected.It is believed that these blastoids were not attached as adults and able to move independently.

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