Slab of Fossils

Submitted by: Joseph Koniecki
Taxon: Fistulipora sp., Reteporina striata, Sulcoretepora sp., Gilbertsocrinus ohioensis, Tentaculites sp.
Submit date: 2012-09-25
Location (approximate): Paulding, Paulding, OH
Stratigraphy: Silica Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: This piece was obviously collected due to the Gilbertsocrinus crinoid. It was prepped to reveal many more interesting fossils. In addition to the crinoid there are three bryozoans on the piece (Sulcoretepora, Reteporina and a Fistulipora). The Fustilipora has a Hederella on it, which, I believe is no longer considered to be a bryozoan. There is a tentaculid on the slab. I did not collect this piece and would like to thank Travis Vivian for the fine donation to my collection. The slab is 12 cm across.

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