Three tiny crinoid calyxes

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Gennaeocrinus variabilis
Submit date: 2013-01-20
Location (approximate): Alpena, Alpena, MI
Stratigraphy: Bell Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: These three crinoid caylxes were found in year 2012 and all were found within a 2 foot space of ground. One can go years not seeing these then a special find of all three at once! These Gennaeocrinus variables are all complete, the smallest on the left is .3' or .77 cm, the largest in the middle is .4' or 1.1 cm tall by .4 or 1.0 cm wide. These were all in pristine condition and required no cleaning.

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