Another rare Devonian crinoid crown with arm regeneration

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Cadiscocrinus southworthi
Submit date: 2013-02-07
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Stratigraphy: Arkona Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: This Cadiscocrinus crown with arms is quite unusual in that several of the arms were broken (or eaten?) The arm tips on the left of this photo show three light pink arm tips that have been regrown by the crinoid prior to its final burial. This comes from the Arkona Formation of the Arkona area. Again our experts, John and Mike Topor clarified the identification of this crinoid as southworthi. The fossil is on loan to the Museum of Paleontology for research.

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