Submitted by: John Topor
Taxon: Eldredgeops rana rana, Basidechenella arkonensis
Submit date: 2008-03-02
Location (approximate): Thedford, Lambton, ON
Stratigraphy: Hungry Hollow Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: Quality single specimen trilobites’, found enrolled or prone, are rare for the formation. The Hungry Hollow member was a high energy environment which made preservation of complete specimens quite rare. Finding more than one trilobite genus on a slab is even rarer. From left to right the specimens measure 23.5mm X 18mm, 30mm X 18mm, and 32mm X 23mm. The second Basidechenella on the right of the Eldredgeops is upside down.