Phyllocarid Herbertocaris with gastric 'teeth'

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Herbertocaris wideneri
Submit date: 2008-06-09
Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH
Stratigraphy: Silica Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: This is the second of the four species of Phyllocarid from the Silica. Unlike the previous photos, this species has clear patterns of lines in its lateral plates and tail pieces or somites. Also this shows one of the paired gastric teeth or mandibles used by Phyllocarids to eat their prey as shrimp and lobsters do today.

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Shanan PetersJune 27, 2008 at 8:55 AM

This thing is really interesting. I've never seen this part of a phyllocarid before. Have you found many of them in the Silica?
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