Crinoid Anchors (Holdfasts)

Submitted by: John Topor
Taxon: Ancyrocrinus bulbosus
Submit date: 2007-03-04
Location (approximate): Thedford, Lambton, ON
Stratigraphy: Arkona Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: This anchor-shaped holdfast belongs to the crinoid, Ancyrocrinus bulbosus. The holdfasts are uncommon finds and even these five specimens are preserved without their pointed tips. Ancyrocrinus crinoids, found as calyxes or crowns, are extremely rare in the Arkona fm. There are only three known calyxes and no crowns have been found. The largest specimen in the photo is 40mm and the smallest is 15mm in height.

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