blue Athyris brachiopods from the 'blue beds'

Submitted by: David Thompson
Taxon: Athyris lens
Submit date: 2008-02-25
Location (approximate): Alpena, Alpena, MI
Stratigraphy: Traverse Formation
Age: Erian (Middle Devonian)
Submitter notes: In the Genshaw formation there is a noted section containing these small inflated Athyris brachiopods along with small Atrypa species. There are thousands of these small brachiopods all of the same size and few showing any predatory borings or damage. Due to hydrocarbons in some nearby layers and the presence of water, they are a distinct and clear blue. Once dry, they are a flat gray. These were collected and are being kept in water to preserve the color which shows a bit in these photos.

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