Platyceras sp. |
Silica formation |
Joseph Koniecki |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by Joseph Koniecki
Location (approximate): Milan, Washtenaw, MI
Strat unit: Silica formation
Submitter notes: Specimen is 4.5 cm across
Photo title:
Taxa present: Platyceras sp.
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Tornoceras uniangulare widderi |
Widder formation |
Joseph Koniecki |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by Joseph Koniecki
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Strat unit: Widder formation
Submitter notes: Specimen is 2 cm across
Photo title:
Taxa present: Tornoceras uniangulare widderi
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Placoblastus obovatus |
Traverse formation |
David Thompson |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by David Thompson
Location (approximate): Alpena, Alpena, MI
Strat unit: Traverse formation
Submitter notes: This very large example of this Blastoid is hand held to give scale to the speciman. This is a side view to show the thin feeding grooves (ambulacra)
Photo title: Placoblastus obovatus
Taxa present: Placoblastus obovatus
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Phacops (Eldredgeops) milleri |
Silica formation |
David Thompson |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by David Thompson
Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH
Strat unit: Silica formation
Submitter notes: This dual speciman shows a large adult & smaller trilobite. They are in the same layer & it would be nice to think of 'Mom & Baby' but the association may not be close at all. Clearly they were killed very quickly as they have not really started to enroll as this species often is found. This was self collected in Sylvania but prepared by Scott Vergiels of our 'Friends' who has prepared most of the trilobites I have posted. Sorry I'm old fashioned & these are still 'Phacops' to me.
Photo title: Phacops (Eldredgeops) milleri
Taxa present: Phacops (Eldredgeops) milleri
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Pseudodechenella lucasensis |
Silica formation |
David Thompson |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by David Thompson
Location (approximate): Paulding, Paulding, OH
Strat unit: Silica formation
Submitter notes: This is both a large & pristine example of this Taxon collected from Paulding Co. in Ohio. The
speciman when collected had only a top of a few axial rings showing out of the shale.
Photo title: Pseudodechenella lucasensis
Taxa present: Pseudodechenella lucasensis
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Placoblastus obovatus |
Thunder Bay formation |
David Thompson |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by David Thompson
Location (approximate): Alpena, Alpena, MI
Strat unit: Thunder Bay formation
Submitter notes: This is an Oral view of the same speciman with the Anal opening about 2:00 o'clock. Hands give scale
Photo title: Placoblastus obovatus
Taxa present: Placoblastus obovatus
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Phacops (Eldredgeops) rana crassituberculata |
Silica formation |
David Thompson |
Submitted on 2007-02-03 by David Thompson
Location (approximate): Paulding, Paulding, OH
Strat unit: Silica formation
Submitter notes: This speciman is unusual due to the preservation & preparation from the underside which shows
the Hypostome or mouth area. The thin shell is translucent in this view. Crassi's have 84 eye facets as opposed to 104 in the milleri species of this Devonian trilobite.
Photo title:
Taxa present: Phacops (Eldredgeops) rana crassituberculata
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Arthroacantha carpenteri, Platyceras sp. |
Arkona formation |
Shanan Peters |
Submitted on 2007-02-02 by Shanan Peters
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Strat unit: Arkona formation
Submitter notes:
Photo title: Platyceratid gastropod on crinoid calyx
Taxa present: Arthroacantha carpenteri, Platyceras sp.
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Basidechenella arkonensis, Platyceras sp., Hyperoblastus sp. |
Hungry Hollow formation |
Joseph Koniecki |
Submitted on 2007-02-02 by Joseph Koniecki
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Strat unit: Hungry Hollow formation
Submitter notes:
Photo title: Trilobites with Gastropod and Blastoid
Taxa present: Basidechenella arkonensis, Platyceras sp., Hyperoblastus sp.
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Arthroacantha carpenteri |
Arkona formation |
Joseph Koniecki |
Submitted on 2007-02-02 by Joseph Koniecki
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Strat unit: Arkona formation
Submitter notes: The spread of the arms is 4 inches at its widest.
Photo title: Complete specimen of Arthroacantha
Taxa present: Arthroacantha carpenteri
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Arthroacantha carpenteri |
Arkona formation |
Joseph Koniecki |
Submitted on 2007-02-02 by Joseph Koniecki
Location (approximate): Arkona, Lambton, ON
Strat unit: Arkona formation
Submitter notes: The starburst is about 7 inches in diameter
Photo title: Arthroacantha starburst
Taxa present: Arthroacantha carpenteri
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Arthroacantha carpenteri, Platyceras |
Silica formation |
Tomasz Baumiller |
Submitted on 2007-02-01 by Tomasz Baumiller
Location (approximate): Sylvania, Lucas, OH
Strat unit: Silica formation
Submitter notes: Medusa Portland Cement Co; quarry
unit 7
scale bar=15 mm
Photo title: Arthroacantha w/platyceratid
Taxa present: Arthroacantha carpenteri, Platyceras
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